Apply To Buy A Driver’s License Online:

To buy a drivers license online from global documents, contact our agents through this website (contact form, email, whatsapp..).
If you have read and understood everything about what you want to buy and do not want to ask any questions to agent, You can just click here to access the application form and the agent will get back to you
. The information from the buy drivers license application form shall be used to process your new drivers license. Always contact our online agents to check on the status of your new drivers license.
Apply To Buy A Passport Online:

To buy a passport online from global documents, contact our agents through this website (contact form, email, whatsapp..). Let our agents know the status of the passport you wish to buy. Then when ready to buy your passport, click on the “buy Passport” sub menu under the “Apply” menu or click HERE. Then, fill the buy Passport application form correctly. The information from the buy Passport application form shall be used to process your new Passport. Always contact our online agents to check on the status of your new Passport.
Apply To Buy An ID Card online

To buy an ID Card online from global documents, contact our agents through this website (contact form, email, WhatsApp..). Let our agents know the status of the ID card you wish to buy. Then when ready to buy your ID card, click on the “buy ID card” sub menu under the “Apply” menu or click HERE. Then, fill the buy ID card application form correctly. The information from the buy ID card application form shall be used to process your new ID card. Always contact our online agents to check on the status of your new ID Card.
Apply To Buy A Resident Permit Online:

To buy a Resident Permit online from global documents, contact our agents through this website (contact form, email, whatsapp..). Let our agents know the status of the Resident Permit you wish to buy. Then when ready to buy your Resident Permit, click on the “buy Resident Permit” sub menu under the “Apply” menu or click HERE. Then, fill the buy Resident Permit application form correctly. The information from the buy Resident Permit application form shall be used to process your new Resident Permit. Always contact our online agents to check on the status of your new Resident Permit.